2. ROSITA. Titoli J


Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen InstitutsAC81918-1925
Jahrbuch des deutschen archaologischen Instituts. ErganzungsheftAC81(1888)-22(1965)
Jahrbuch des Italienisch-deutschen Historischen Instituts in TrientD681
Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen archaologischen InstitutsAC81886-1917
Jahrbuch der k.k. Seidenbau-Versuchsstation in GörzXU1581873
Jahresbericht / Landesrettungverein Weißes Kreuz NotfallseelsorgeAN6450
Jahresbericht … / Sudtiroler Berg-und Hohlenrettung des C.N.S.A.S.IT14-C2015; 2016;2017-2021
Jahresbericht Annuario CNSAS … Sudtirol Alto AdigeIT14-C2015; 2016;2017-2021
Jahresbericht der k. k. Seidenbau-Versuchsstation in GörtzXU158


Jam it! : journal of American studies in ItalyHX3611(2019)-
Japan magazine albumXY710
Japan magazine. SpecialeXY710


JBP : Journal of biomedical practitionersHX1441(2017)-
JCom América latinaHX422018-
JCR : Journal of cancer rehabilitationHX5341(2018)-


JELT : Journal of ethics and legal technologiesHX3081(2019)-
Jenny la tennistaAP1244
JeSP : Journal of ESeC short papersF84581(2008)
Jesus <1974-1978 ; Milano>E1429
Jesus <1976-1978 ; Milano>AP617
Jesus <1979- ; Milano>E1429
Jesus <2020-2022 ; Milano>FU43
Jeune ItalieHX13511937-1938


JGG : Journal of gerontology and geriatricsIT24072016-
JLA <1998-1999 ; Roma>AP521
JLA <2006-2010 ; Spagna>AP521
JLA Wild C.A.T.S.XX70
JM albumXY710


Jo : Journal of osseointegration and oral rehabilitationE12242024-
Johnny ManilaAP2
Jolly <1957-1960 ; Roma>R69-A
Il *jolly < 1989- ; Bergamo>E10459106(2016)-

Journal A-L

Journal of African languages and literaturesHX6681(2020)-
Journal des AlpesQ5931801
Journal of American studies in ItalyHX3611(2019)-
Journal of analytical, environmental and cultural heritage chemistryIT415
The *journal of ancient architectureXY54
Journal de beaux artsHX13111830
Journal of biomedical practitionersHX1441(2017)-
Journal of cancer rehabilitationHX5341(2018)-
Journal of clinical & developmental psychologyHX1681(2019)-
Journal des débats aujourd’hui, Journal de l’EmpireCF201
Journal des demoiselles <1840-1849 ; Naples>FR297
Le *journal de la DoireHX35271809-1812
Journal de l’empireCF201242/244(1807)
The *journal of epigraphic studiesD98512018
Journal of ESeC short papersF84581(2008)
Journal of ethics and legal technologiesHX3081(2019)-
The *journal of European economic historyE3601972-
Journal françaisCF201
Journal of gerontology and geriatricsIT24072016-
Journal of health and social sciencesHX2352016-
Journal of inclusive methodology and technology in learning and teachingD101362021-
Journal des journauxXT64
Le *journal de la langue française et des langues en général a NaplesXU898
Journal of legal hermeneuticsD5368

Journal M-V

Journal of Mediterranean earth sciencesIT30532009-
Journal officiel de la 27.me division de la Repub. françQ593
Journal of osseointegrationE12242009-2023
Journal of osseointegration and oral rehabilitationE12242024-
Journal des Österreichischen LloydXU8251836; 1839-1849
The *journal for the philosophy of language, mind and the artsHX53241(2020)-
Journal of physics and metaphysicsXY796
Journal politiqueXT146
Journal politique du Dipartement de RomeCF70
Journal de la réunion ou l’ami des francais.XT269
Journal of science communicationHX42
Journal of sex- and gender-specific medicineE116192023-
Journal of the Siena academy of sciencesAC2052009-
Journal of surgeryE2011
Journal of theatre anthropologyHX53062021-
Journal de TurinQ593
Journal de Turin et des provincesCF2241780
Journal de Turin et de la 27.me division de la République française.Q593
Journal de la 27.me division de la Repub. franç.Q593


JTA : Journal of theatre anthropologyHX53062021-
Judas <1979-1980 ; Milano>AP748
Judas <2022-2023 ; Milano>AP748
Jukkakukan no Satsujin | Ayatsuji, YukitoAP1554-D
Julia. I casi archiviatiCO138
Juliet art magazineE1961
Juliet design hotelsE1961
Juliet design magazineE1961
Juliet jewellery magazineE1961
Juliet photo magazineE1961
Junior <1960 ; Milano>R329
Junior poetry magazineXY566
Juny peperina inventatuttoXY454

Justice League

Justice League <1990-1992 ; Roma>AP521
Justice League <2012-2020 ; Novara>AP521
Justice League <2020- ; Modena>AP521
Justice League. RinascitaAP521


Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad divae CatharinaeAC570
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad divi ProculiAC571
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad sanctam CatharinamAC570
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad Sanctum Johannem LateranensemAC571
Juventus gymnasii Congregationis scholarum charitatis Venetiarum E11190
Juventus gymnasii communis CelanaeXU640
Juventus gymnasii episcopalis CelanaeXU640
Juventus gymnasii episcopalis Seminarii Gregoriani BellunensisXU8991843