2. ROSITA. Titoli J
Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts | AC8 | 1918-1925 |
Jahrbuch des deutschen archaologischen Instituts. Erganzungsheft | AC8 | 1(1888)-22(1965) |
Jahrbuch des Italienisch-deutschen Historischen Instituts in Trient | D681 | |
Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen archaologischen Instituts | AC8 | 1886-1917 |
Jahrbuch der k.k. Seidenbau-Versuchsstation in Görz | XU158 | 1873 |
Jahresbericht / Landesrettungverein Weißes Kreuz Notfallseelsorge | AN6450 | |
Jahresbericht … / Sudtiroler Berg-und Hohlenrettung des C.N.S.A.S. | IT14-C | 2015; 2016;2017-2021 |
Jahresbericht Annuario CNSAS … Sudtirol Alto Adige | IT14-C | 2015; 2016;2017-2021 |
Jahresbericht der k. k. Seidenbau-Versuchsstation in Görtz | XU158 |
JALaLit | HX668 | HX668 |
Jam it! : journal of American studies in Italy | HX361 | 1(2019)- |
Jamit! | HX361 | 1(2019)- |
Janku | XY537 | |
Japan magazine album | XY710 | |
Japan magazine. Speciale | XY710 | |
Jau!!! | XX448 |
JBP : Journal of biomedical practitioners | HX144 | 1(2017)- |
JCOM | HX42 | 2002- |
JCom América latina | HX42 | 2018- |
JCR : Journal of cancer rehabilitation | HX534 | 1(2018)- |
JELT : Journal of ethics and legal technologies | HX308 | 1(2019)- |
Jenny la tennista | AP1244 | |
JeSP : Journal of ESeC short papers | F8458 | 1(2008) |
Jesus <1974-1978 ; Milano> | E1429 | |
Jesus <1976-1978 ; Milano> | AP617 | |
Jesus <1979- ; Milano> | E1429 | |
Jesus <2020-2022 ; Milano> | FU43 | |
Jeune Italie | HX1351 | 1937-1938 |
JGG : Journal of gerontology and geriatrics | IT2407 | 2016- |
JHSS | HX235 | |
JLA <1998-1999 ; Roma> | AP521 | |
JLA <2006-2010 ; Spagna> | AP521 | |
JLA TP | AP521 | |
JLA Wild C.A.T.S. | XX70 | |
JLIS.it | D9889 | 2010- |
JM album | XY710 |
Jo : Journal of osseointegration and oral rehabilitation | E1224 | 2024- |
Johnny Manila | AP2 | |
Joker | FU159 | |
Jolly <1957-1960 ; Roma> | R69-A | |
Il *jolly < 1989- ; Bergamo> | E10459 | 106(2016)- |
JoLMA | HX5324 | 1(2020)- |
Jonas | R107 | |
Jourdeló | N627 | 2005- |
Journal A-L
Journal M-V
Journal of Mediterranean earth sciences | IT3053 | 2009- |
Journal officiel de la 27.me division de la Repub. franç | Q593 | |
Journal of osseointegration | E1224 | 2009-2023 |
Journal of osseointegration and oral rehabilitation | E1224 | 2024- |
Journal des Österreichischen Lloyd | XU825 | 1836; 1839-1849 |
The *journal for the philosophy of language, mind and the arts | HX5324 | 1(2020)- |
Journal of physics and metaphysics | XY796 | |
Journal politique | XT146 | |
Journal politique du Dipartement de Rome | CF70 | |
Journal de la réunion ou l’ami des francais. | XT269 | |
Journal of science communication | HX42 | |
Journal of sex- and gender-specific medicine | E11619 | 2023- |
Journal of the Siena academy of sciences | AC205 | 2009- |
Journal of surgery | E2011 | |
Journal of theatre anthropology | HX5306 | 2021- |
Journal de Turin | Q593 | |
Journal de Turin et des provinces | CF224 | 1780 |
Journal de Turin et de la 27.me division de la République française. | Q593 | |
Journal de la 27.me division de la Repub. franç. | Q593 |
JTA : Journal of theatre anthropology | HX5306 | 2021- |
Judas <1979-1980 ; Milano> | AP748 | |
Judas <2022-2023 ; Milano> | AP748 | |
Jukkakukan no Satsujin | Ayatsuji, Yukito | AP1554-D | |
Julia. I casi archiviati | CO138 | |
Juliet | E1961 | |
Juliet art magazine | E1961 | |
Juliet design hotels | E1961 | |
Juliet design magazine | E1961 | |
Juliet jewellery magazine | E1961 | |
Juliet photo magazine | E1961 | |
Junior <1960 ; Milano> | R329 | |
Junior poetry magazine | XY566 | |
Juny peperina inventatutto | XY454 | |
Jus | IT1529 |
Justice League
Justice League <1990-1992 ; Roma> | AP521 | |
Justice League <2012-2020 ; Novara> | AP521 | |
Justice League <2020- ; Modena> | AP521 | |
Justice League. Rinascita | AP521 |
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad divae Catharinae | AC570 | |
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad divi Proculi | AC571 | |
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad sanctam Catharinam | AC570 | |
Juventus caesareo-regii gymnasii urbis Venetiarum ad Sanctum Johannem Lateranensem | AC571 | |
Juventus gymnasii Congregationis scholarum charitatis Venetiarum | E11190 | |
Juventus gymnasii communis Celanae | XU640 | |
Juventus gymnasii episcopalis Celanae | XU640 | |
Juventus gymnasii episcopalis Seminarii Gregoriani Bellunensis | XU899 | 1843 |